Sunday, September 30, 2012


There comes a time in ones life, when the oh so infamous questions come to light. 
Will I ever find my Soul-mate?
Does Prince Charming really exist? 
Will I ever find true love and happiness? 

Let me tell you this from experience, the answer to those questions, is actually very simple yet complicated all in the same breath. YES & NO. To clarify, why it is both.

Will I ever find my Soul-Mate
--Yes. Will it be your husband? No. Could it be your best girl friend? Yes
I've come to learn that maybe soul-mates doesn't have to mean "The man of your dreams, best friend, etc" Like society and movies lead you to believe.  Your soul-mate is someone who you connect to on any & every level. Their in perfections, bad habits, everything else just seems to dissolve  like it was never an issue to begin with. 

I guess everyone defines soul-mates a little different here and there. I'm still trying to figure it out. 

Does Prince Charming really exist? No.
Unless some lady named her son prince charming, Its unlikely that he will exist. Now that's not to say that there is no prince charming, because they're are several, just with a more common name like John Smith. He or even she, could be your fireman, doctor, plumber, person bagging your groceries or even that girl who gave you a dirty look across the bar. By now if you haven't caught the reference I'm referring to, let me refresh and take a step back.

When your house catches on fire, a fireman will put it out.
When your sick and hurting a doctor will make you feel better.
When your alone and lost, even a strangers helpful words could be your compass. 

I believe, there is a prince charming in each and every one of us, well all do believe in good, and I know you can all name a time where you felt like a knight in silver armor saving someone, even if it was just opening a door for a pregnant lady, just for moment, you were her prince charming. 

Will I ever find true love and happiness? Yes
You already have. Take a moment right now and look around you. Yes, you could be unhappy at the moment, but that doesn't mean you never found happiness. True love could be in the form of anything, Landing your dream job, the love of your life, a hobby. Everyone has something in their life they are truly passionate about, and honestly that is true love. That goes for happiness also, I'm going to take a wild guess, if you are reading this, you are on a computer or cell phone, with internet, somewhere nice a warm. Think about it, would you prefer your life to be worse then where you are right now? No I don't think so, you may not be running around screaming and puking rainbows, but you are happy in the moment. 

As we end the day, we all have are own opinions in what something could mean and frankly that's OK.

Because each and every one of us, is just a simple heart, working towards one goal.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Black Friday: I Dislike you very much.

Black Friday: The Day After Thanksgiving, A true American Sport.

Last year, I did decide to sit out, reminding myself when I got home at noon, that I would never again sit out in the cold just for some little things I can any other day.

Fast forward, After dinner I ignored my past thoughts and choose to sit out again. The fun factor included? I already had a cold, but who cares right? Shopping comes before cold?

First in line, Could get my hands on anything i wanted FIRST. After sitting there cold, numb, coughing, it struck me. SCREW THIS!

I did though, come back to the store, and you know what? I was perfectly happy with my new stuff. Unlike everyone else, i was well rested and warm.

So the main point? If your going to sit out for hours untill 4am just to buy stuff at a semi cheaper price ask yourself


Christmas Decorations Are NOW acceptable.

I meant to post this post earlier in November, but didn't have a chance till now.

Driving down my street early November, I began seeing people put up Christmas lights, At stores I heard Christmas Music Playing, but the thing is THANKSGIVING hadn't even arrived yet. I understand that some do not participate in this holiday, but its November, can't you wait till at least December?

My neighbor though had little Turkey's and other thanksgiving festive decorations out, so THANK YOU Family who lives at 1852 :]

But In my opinion I believe that today NOVEMBER 30th Christmas Music, Trees, Lights, All that is NOW ACCEPTABLE :]

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blind Much?

This post is more about something i find humorous more than annoying.

There are over 40,000 students at my college, even more so during the morning and afternoon classes. The funny event usually happens during my Anthropology class at 1:00pm.

I love being early to class so i can get the same seat i enjoy sitting in each time. Now arriving at class 25 minutes earlier, the door tends to be locked or another class is in session. I sit down by the door and wait till the teacher arrives, other students begin to arrive and sit around me.

Now here is were i always tend to laugh.

At this time about 5-10 minutes before class starts, there are a good amount of students sitting outside the door, all of us are very Noticeable.

Yet, here comes a student, looks at a few of the students sitting down and yet walks over to the classroom, looks in and or tries to open the locked door, now with a failed attempt, has to turn around awkwardly, because all of us just saw him/her do that.

I always just laugh, because I could understand if no one was there to try to see if you can go into the classroom, but you obviously see a bunch of students who you know are in your class, sitting and waiting to enter, why would you think, that just because your here now, that the door is all of sudden unlocked, just for you!

Again, it is also funny, because more people to the same thing right after another.

Anyone else agree, this is just funny?

I'm Back!

It's been a couple of months since I've written, with school and life, just don't have time. For now am back with lots to rant about! I'll be posting my two new blogs next! So be on the look all


Friday, May 7, 2010

I appreciate your gesture... of getting me sick!!

As the season's are changing, the FLU is going around again. I was enjoying the bragging rights of not being sick as everyone else was. Instead, during one of my college classes, the girl next to me thought that every-time she sneezed or coughed it should be uncovered and my way!

Now I would like to go out and just appreciate her wonderful gesture, of indeed giving me the flu. Thank you!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Bad Case Of... Insomnia!

It's been going on for a long time now, that no matter what i try to do, i just can't fall asleep, during the day, i can sleep all day long, at night, ha never!

Pretty sure that's a bad case of insomnia right there.