Picture this, your driving down the street and there's people riding their bikes, in your lane. How do you react? Run them over, honk? I know, lets give them a bike lane, that even after its put there, they still wont use it.
It's annoying. Car's are meant to be on the road, bikes are meant to be on the sidewalk or in their little bike lane. Simple as that.
Anyone Agree?
Friday, November 6, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Don't forget the rest.

With two celebrities only 4 hours apart of time of death gone from our world, we seem to forget one.
Micheal Jackson was a huge icon "the king of pop", but everyone seems to forget about Farrah Fawcett.
Facebook, Myspace status, text messages, Yahoo news it was all about MJ.
Come on people, don't forget the rest.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Writers block has left the building.
When life gives you yellow lemons, make fucking pink lemonade. :]
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Technology Downfall

Vending machines have been around for some time now, each time you see new desgins, new features added (the credit card swipe), but what makes me mad, is with all this technology, everytime you get a soda from the machine it burst's. Spills all over your hands, etc. Bullshit.
Not only is my drink half gone beause of this stupid brust, my hands are sticky and so is some of my hoodie.
The vending machines i like, are the ones were it grabs the drink and safely, without sturing, brings the drink to your convince. The downfall? ECC of all school has like two, are they anywere near me? No! So im stuck with this inconvint one.
Another thing i dislike about vending machines, besides there limited shitty collection of "products", were you receive your drink and or food, is at the bottom, meant for who? Dogs?
Technology Downfall.
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Apparently Now, We are all the same nationality.
I was in class on Wednesday, a member of my group was sitting beside me and we were talking, simple talk. I told him a story, using myself in 3rd person. After i told my story, he asks me "Were did you get Maria from?" i answered simply "From my grandma", now that should have been the sole ending of that comment, but the kid [we'll call him FRED], well Fred said "Oh Cause Maria's Spanish, isn't it?" my mouth seriously drooped. Does this kid not know his History? and Yes, he himself was Spanish, therefore believing all nationalities are Spanish. Note, this is the 3rd time, he's mixed up my nationality. Maria orgin is a GREEK name, it was then passed to the Italians, and later passed to Spanish, and so forth.
By looking at me, FRED, couldn't understand or even if he did, that I'm not Spanish.
I'm Fricking White as a Ghost.
Yet, am still Spanish.. I would have never known....
Fuck sakes.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
One Bumper Sticker,i wish i hadn't seen.
Today while at Dunkin Donuts, i was having a great day, not only was the sun shining, my coffee was tasting great. But i saw this bumper sticker plaster not on the bottom or the top of the trunk. Nooo it was directly in the center. Guess what it said also? "I LIKE PINK TOYS" Seriously? Usually bumper stickers arn't my biggest concern, but ones like that just piss me off. I can understand if the car was pink also, she could have reference it then. But the car was Navy blue, so we all know that the real meaning behind that sticker was.
What is the sole purpose to display what you like on your car?
I don't want to know.
It's Offically Love.
Gladiator shoes are really comfortable.
Its kinda officially love for now.
Ha. :]
Class Description's- Lies Lies Lies.
When your reading the class description, we all know, your only reading it to find out if the class is going to be fun, a lot of work, or blow off.
What pisses me off,is the fact that there lies.Like the class I'm sitting in this morning.
Music Of The Worlds -A Class Meant to study of different cultural music. That's a basic sum up.
What the description did not mention that for a fucking hour i was going to listen music i had no idea what they were saying and you have to sit in really uncomfortable chairs and do nothing.I nearly knock myself in the face sometimes. Tho the class is very easy, i would have liked a warning in advance.
My Description would have read
"Music of the Worlds- A Class about Cultural Music all around the world [i know that saying it twice people will fucking get it finally]. The class is an Easy A, with nice professor, but be prepared for a bit of boredom."
That's my updated version.
Farewell :]
What pisses me off,is the fact that there lies.Like the class I'm sitting in this morning.
Music Of The Worlds -A Class Meant to study of different cultural music. That's a basic sum up.
What the description did not mention that for a fucking hour i was going to listen music i had no idea what they were saying and you have to sit in really uncomfortable chairs and do nothing.I nearly knock myself in the face sometimes. Tho the class is very easy, i would have liked a warning in advance.
My Description would have read
"Music of the Worlds- A Class about Cultural Music all around the world [i know that saying it twice people will fucking get it finally]. The class is an Easy A, with nice professor, but be prepared for a bit of boredom."
That's my updated version.
Farewell :]
Monday, April 27, 2009
I was thinking today, i honesty want to know how much i swear in a day.
Biggest potty mouth? Pretty sure.
p.s, you have no idea how hard i tired not to swear in this post.
ahh. fuck it.
Guess what time i get Home?
That is 6 hours pasted the time i was promised.
On top of that, i missed my fucking show.
God dammint fuckers.
That is 6 hours pasted the time i was promised.
On top of that, i missed my fucking show.
God dammint fuckers.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
When did family Events become pathetic? Always.
Today was my Aunt's engagement party, I was forced to go by my lovely Yiayia [Grandma in Greek], but i figured it was a perfect excuse for a new dress and some shoes.
I was promised to be home by 6:30 the latest so i agree.
We get there, and wow is it pathetic off hand.
the Room was split
One half was full of dark haired, loud mouth, drink in their hand Greeks.
The other half, were Shy, red haired, giving everyone else Dirty looks Irish.
Isn't this suppose to be a party for a "joining of two?" Apparently not.
and that's not even the fucking worse part.
No.. Everyone today was on their 15 Min's of PMS.
Like my other aunt for instint, what is her problem, I'm not sure if you've seen "my big fat Greek wedding" but the big boobed annoying cousin? Yeah that's my aunt in real life. I went to the bar to get a drink [ because I'm allowed] and here she comes walking in like shes the fucking shit and rules the world with a stick up her ass. Telling me i can't have a drink, is this her party? Is she the bartender, no she's not, so i got my fucking drink and Left.
Another worse night is the fricking food.
I mean seriously who in their right minds would eat the food served today, i wish i took a picture.
the salad looked like it was meant for dolls and little balls of white cheese were all over, apparently this is the only fucking salad they knew how to make.
The beef look liked it was still alive. That pretty much sums it all up.
and on top of all this bullshit.
i get winked at.
and I'm pretty sure he was like my 2nd or 3rd cousin.
I was promised to be home by 6:30 the latest so i agree.
We get there, and wow is it pathetic off hand.
the Room was split
One half was full of dark haired, loud mouth, drink in their hand Greeks.
The other half, were Shy, red haired, giving everyone else Dirty looks Irish.
Isn't this suppose to be a party for a "joining of two?" Apparently not.
and that's not even the fucking worse part.
No.. Everyone today was on their 15 Min's of PMS.
Like my other aunt for instint, what is her problem, I'm not sure if you've seen "my big fat Greek wedding" but the big boobed annoying cousin? Yeah that's my aunt in real life. I went to the bar to get a drink [ because I'm allowed] and here she comes walking in like shes the fucking shit and rules the world with a stick up her ass. Telling me i can't have a drink, is this her party? Is she the bartender, no she's not, so i got my fucking drink and Left.
Another worse night is the fricking food.
I mean seriously who in their right minds would eat the food served today, i wish i took a picture.
the salad looked like it was meant for dolls and little balls of white cheese were all over, apparently this is the only fucking salad they knew how to make.
The beef look liked it was still alive. That pretty much sums it all up.
and on top of all this bullshit.
i get winked at.
and I'm pretty sure he was like my 2nd or 3rd cousin.
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